Monday, September 13, 2010

I. Introduction

a. Origins of the rivalry between Germany and Europe.

b. Thesis

II. Domestic policies and foreign policies

a. Colonial expansion

b. Creation of a German dominated economic zone

c. Strengthening of the navy

III. Socioeconomic developments in Germany and Europe

a. Rapid industrialization

b. The evolution of the political structures

IV. Main incidents

a. Daily Telegraph Affair

b. First Moroccan Crisis

c. Second Moroccan Crisis

d. Balkan Crisis

V. Conclusion

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Unification of Germany and Bismarck's Role

_._._._._It seems to be clear that without the unification of Germany two world wars could have been avoided and Hitler would have never risen to power. There was no single act that caused all the independent states to unify into one empire. Germany’s unification of at least 350 states was a long and lengthily process of which some historians may argue was often times not planned and unintentional. Otto Von Bismarck was appointed Minister-President by recommendation of Prussia’s War Minister, Albrecht Theodor Emil Graf Von Roon. Bismarck has even said himself that when making decisions he does not look to the effect they will have on the future but rather how beneficial it is at that instant. However, without the actions of Otto von Bismarck there is no doubt the unification of Germany would have never occurred._._._._._Even, possibly, without being aware of the fact, Otto Von Bismarck’s actions had led to the unification of Germany. He has even been noted to have said that the choices he makes are the ones that will be most beneficial in that specific instant. “He said once: “Politics are not a science based on logic; they are the capacity of always choosing at each instant, in constantly changing situations, the least harmful, the most useful (Source 11).” Bismarck clearly knows that the choices he has made, even the plentiful mistakes, were with less regard for the future and more toward the best choice for that time and situation. Even if Bismarck’s aim was never to actually unify Germany he certainly took the steps to do so, whether he knew it or not. However, it is important to note that he was not the only one that pushed Germany closer to its unification. For example, without Napoleon’s victory, the German states would not have gone from the many 350 states to just 39. In more than on occurrence Bismarck attempted to weaken Austria in order to leave Prussia the dominant state. For example, in the Crimean War, by faltering between offering support to Russian and to Britain and France, Austria lost the support of its allies and was left isolated, making it easy for Bismarck to manipulate them and for Prussia to defeat them in The Seven Weeks War. At that point, Austria was forced to accept Prussian dominance in Germany and the creation of a North German Confederation. In addition to, due to the Franco Prussian war, provoked by Bismarck when he altered the telegram sent to him by Kaiser Wilhelm to make it seem like Wilhelm did not like France, Germany and France became sworn enemies. France even swore to seek revenge on the territory they lost to Germany. Had this not occurred, the independent states would have not feared further conflict with their new enemy and considered it best to unite and face sure victory if ever they found themselves in another war with France.
_._._._._It is very obvious that Bismarck didn’t have a vision for the future when making certain choices but instead made them simply to gain a benefit from that situation, even saying so himself. In his attempts to make Prussia the dominant state he aimed to weaken Austria. By weakening Austria he, perhaps unknowingly, led Germany to its unification. Without the weakening of Austria there would be no North German Confederation. Lacking Bismarck’s attempt to provoke France there would be no Franco Prussian war, therefore no victory, and ultimately no need to unify in order to stay strong in case of a counter attack. It is clear that without Bismarck’s actions and choices the unification of Germany would have never occurred.